Past Events

6th lustrum of All Terrain

To celebrae the 6th lustrum of All Terrain on a small scale the Lustrum Committee will organize a small event on the 1st of July. The event will consist of an afternoon program followed by a BBQ. Both will be at the Student Sportcentrum of the TU/e (More location details below). As stated in the previous mail participation to either of the BBQ or the afternoon program can be done individually. There will however be a maximum of 50 participants due to corona limitations. 
    Planning 13:00 - 16:45: afternoon program  (0-3 euro) - Some sportive activities and/or boardgames - Might get wet, bring dry clothes (showers of SSC are open again) - Includes some some snacks and drinks 18:00 - 21:00: BBQ (15-20 euro) -Price includes several drinks, but if your a heavy drinker you should bring some coins for additional bevarages
Location: Onze Lieve Vrouwestraat 1, 5612 AW Eindhoven (The Pavilion)
    Prices: The price ranges are what we expect. The actual costs will be determined afterwards. 
The main registration is now closed but, subscribing might still be possible. Please contact and we can arrange for your subscription.
    The Lustrum Committee is dedicated to organizing a full and more comprehensive lustrum event next year. One which will include more activities over a longer period of time and will not be constraint by the current coronavirus pandemic. The current event is hence not a replacement of the actual event. It is merely a small scale event organized by the lustrum committee since they were already available to organize something in this period of time.  We hence hope to see most of you next year aswell! 
2021-07-01 09:00
2021-07-01 21:00

Jeopardy 2.0 Postponed

It is time to show your AT trivia skills! On the 18th of June, we will host the first offline Jeopardy where you will test your knowledge of All Terrain against other members. We will make our own amphitheater with, a beamer, tarp, and ropes. Together we are going to have a lot of fun and maybe learn even more about All Terrain and Survivalrunning. We will try to match you against evenly matched All Terrainers. The questions will feature a MIX of All Terrain questions and general trivia and will be presented in English.   What is Jeopardy? Jeopardy is a famous TV spell show that has been around since 1964, where you can only answer with questions. The spell host shows 5 categories with 5 questions per category (that's 25 questions). The questions range from easy to hard with the harder questions giving more money/points. 3 contestants at the same time will compete and the fastest player will be able to answer the question first, with his own question.  
2021-06-18 19:00
2021-06-18 22:00

The WalkieTalkie game v1

Do you want to join a fun event? Over! Do you want to face challenges, work with a team and be outside? Over! Then this activity is something for you! Over!   The 12th of June AllTerrain is organizing a WalkieTalkie game. We will go to a nice nature area near Eindhoven and the participants will be placed in teams. You will be split over different starting points and have to find your way through the area. You will get a map....but it won't be yours. The members of a team have to communicate through WalkieTalkies to face the challenges and exchange the info for all to finish their route.   The only things you need to bring are a lot of energy and your typical orienteering outfit (for most the typical survivalrun sportsoutfit) so you can run across country . The location is somewhat outside of Eindhoven, so you do need a mode of transport from the train station to the location. By bike it will take around half an hour. Participating in the game is free of cost.   Hope to see you there! Over!   Note, the day was changed!
2021-06-12 13:00
2021-06-12 17:00

Canoeing on the Dommel

Don't you wonder how it would be to float on the Dommel instead of falling into it? This is your chance because on the 5th of June we will go canoeing on the Dommel! This wonderful afternoon will include a small training on how to actually steer and maneuver a canoe. Very useful for adventure races! Whether you want to go as fast as possible or just float down the Dommel is all up to you. The cost of this event will be between 10 and 15 euros.
2021-06-05 10:00
2021-06-05 15:00

Geocaching with van Lint

Awaken the explorer in you! Next week van Lint has set out 4 routes for you to unravel using GPS coordinates. Take out your phone or other GPS device and find the hidden markers. By answering the questions at a marker you will obtain the clue to find the coordinates of the next marker and in that way work your way down to the finish. Don't worry you don't have to do this all by yourself. Following subscription we'll set up the AllTerrain teams. Can you finish your route? We will use Thursday the 20th to have a shot.   As van Lint likes to know who is participating we kindly ask you to subscribe latest the morning of the 15th of May. After that subscription is possible, but placement can not be guaranteed.
2021-05-20 19:30
2021-05-20 21:30

All Terrain Painting challenge

As, hopefully, one of the last online activities the AC presents: The painting challenge! For All Terrainers familiar with the game Drawful, Drawsome, and Skribbl it will be similar to this but now we have to physically draw in teams of 3. You will get some large paper boards and many different color markers. For further explanation please carefully read the following explanation picture.     We will start the Thursday 13th of May at 15:30 and will play for about 2 hours, or until everyone is done drawing. Be sure to subscribe!  
2021-05-13 15:30
2021-05-13 17:30

Adventure race training

Please register before Wednesday 5th May! The Outdoor Sports committee is organising an adventure race training on Thursday 6th May. Expect some running, cycling, and navigating, plus perhaps a couple of survivalrun obstacles. This is a general fitness training, for which you will use basic navigational skills.   It will be from 1900-2030 approximately, you can leave earlier or take longer if you prefer. You will need water, appropriate sports clothes, and a bike is useful (city bike is fine).   The start location is not in Argentinia. It can, however, be found on this page if you look closely, and then compare to google maps to confirm the right place ;) It is approximately 15 minutes cycling from the AT shed. Email me (see below) if you want to confirm the location.   Please register below so we know how many people to expect.
2021-05-06 19:00
2021-05-06 21:00

Easter egg orienteering hunt

The easter bunny left us some eggs! Earlier attempts to make us find the eggs were hindered by bad weather. Nonetheless, Sunday the 25th we will do some "Searching Easter eggs meets orienteering run". We'll make a small competition out of it, for who likes a challenge, but gathering the eggs is already an award in itself of course, so you can make it as competitive as you like ;-) (Yes you can keep the eggs ;-) ).   We'll meet at the shed and make pairs similar to what you are used to during training, by choosing a set of markers. The campus will be our playground. There are no costs for joining and we definitely hope the best for the weather.
2021-04-25 14:00
2021-04-25 17:00

Invitation to the Annual General Members Assembly 2021


Please login to see the GMA announcement

2021-04-22 19:30
2021-04-22 22:30

Blue Bear self-supported Adventure Race

The organisation of the Blue Bear Adventure race have planned a self supported, COVID-proof race this year. This is an awesome opportunity to get out and do a 'race' even during COVID restrictions, or try adventure racing for the first time, or even just see if you can beat the other AT teams while enjoying a day of outdoor sports in spring.   The race is traditionally eight hours long, and this year is made of only running and mountainbiking stages. However, the format this year means it is easily shortened to whatever length you like- for example, four or six hours instead of eight. The race is done in pairs. Don't worry if you don't know someone else to race with, sign up and we'll make sure you have a partner.   You will need a mountainbike, which can be hired for the day from OpNoord. The race can be done on any day between 22.02.21 - 04.04.21. The Outdoor Sports Committee hasn't set a date yet- we will first see how many people are interested, and whether we want to do it all on the same day, or whether teams prefer to do it at their leisure.   The entry fee per team is twenty euros, and mountainbike hire costs approximately twenty euros per person. These costs may be partially sponsored by All Terrain.   The race starts and finishes in Berlicum. At present, the Outdoor Sports committee thinks it will be difficult to organise transport, due to COVID restrictions. You may need to organise your own transport there, for you and a mountainbike, so please take this into account (We will see what we can arrange, perhaps just transport for the bikes, but no promises!)   You can go and visit this page for all the information from the organisers.   If you've never done an adventure race before- this is your opportunity to start one of the best sports on the planet ;) usually a team endurance race of many outdoor sports, such as mountainbiking, kayaking, running, canoeing, sometimes climbing, abseiling, rafting, you name it... and always with a compass and a map in hand to find 'checkpoints', usually over mountains and wild terrain (just not in NL...). It can be as intense or as relaxing as you like. An lovely day outside, or 24 hour races pushing yourself as hard and fast as you can. If you have any questions, send an email to me, the organiser shown below, and I will do my best to convince you that you should definitely join :D
2021-04-04 09:00
2021-04-04 17:00