Past Events

Monthly Bouldering (march 2022)

What is better than going bouldering? Going bouldering with AT'ers! For people that already go bouldering and want to know when they can expect AT'ers and for people that don't want to go bouldering every week but like to do it from time to time we will organize a monthly AT bouldering moment.   Our first go at this will be the 31st of March. To encourage you there will be sponsoring from AT reducing the cost to 4 euro or less. Also if you already have a Monk subscription we encourage you to subscribe so we can puzzle out if we can get you some sponsoring as well ;-) (and it is nice for people to see that other people are coming).   Next to a registration here, you need to make a reservation through   Note that for bouldering you'd like to use climbing shoes. If you don't owe any it is possible to rent them for 4 euros at Monk for the night, but be aware that there are a lot of climbers in AT so there is a fair chance that you can borrow them if you ask around. Furthermore it is handy to wear flexible clothing that protects your legs and for the ladies a sports bra is not needed, but crossed straps can be quite convenient.
2022-03-31 19:55
2022-03-31 22:30

Construction day

On the 27th we will do our Construction and maintenance of our awesome AT parkour so it can remain this awesome. Coming along to help is a great way to give back to the construction that you use every training, and to catch up with some ATers! Lunch will be provided. It is useful to wear clothes you can climb in the construction with, and don't mind getting a bit dirty. No worries if you have no experience with building or knot-tying, the Parcour Committee is there to supervise and you might learn a thing or two even.   Please register below so that we know how many people are joining for lunch.  
2022-03-27 10:00
2022-03-27 17:00

Kayaking workshop #3

We all know how to climb over the Dommel (or swim in it), but how many of us know how to paddle it? In three workshops, the kayaking association Okawa will teach us how to kayak. Basic paddle strokes, how to handle currents, T-rescue, maybe even how to 'eskimo roll' if you are brave enough!   The last workshop will be at 1530-1800 on Saturday 26th March, and we gather at the AT shed. This is your last chance to join a workshop and learn how to kayak! Each workshop you join will cost approximately three euros. There is a maximum of twelve people per workshop, so if you don't want to miss out, sign up immediately.   Wear sports clothing and shoes that can get wet. If you get cold easily, a thermoshirt might be nice! Wetsuits and all other gear will be provided by Okawa.   There may be a possibility to join a kayaking trip on a river in Germany with Okawa at a later time. However, you must have joined at least one workshop so that you are familiar with the basics. So don't hesitate to sign up!  
2022-03-26 15:30
2022-03-26 18:00

Exchange Simius Hircus (Utrecht)

Dear survivalrunners! Saturday next week, the 26th of March Simius Hircus will host an exchange! Our programme will start at 15:00 and will last till 17:30, with a possibility to have drinks afterwards! Our address is: Uppsalalaan 3 3584 CT UTRECHT For a little more info, that can be found in the subscription link below!

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Please subscribe on the AT website too so that we know who is joining. We will be travelling by train.  
2022-03-26 15:00
2022-03-26 17:30

ESSF Sport Gala

On the 24th of March, the annual ESSF sports gala will take place again!   During this gala we will have an award ceremony for the Sportsman, Sportswoman, Sportsteam and Sports Association of the year! Next to this, we will also have an added category of Achievement of the year during this edition of the gala. A to be announced All Terrain member is nominated for sports(wo)man of the year, so be there to show All Terrain's support! If people are interested, we can probably eat together beforehand.   If you don't want to miss any updates follow the @essfsportsgala account on Instagram. Tickets are on sale! (ESSF sportgala website)
2022-03-24 20:30
2022-03-25 02:00

SinterChristmas Dinner Party

There are still spots for Sinterklaas! The Christmas dinner has limited space. From the 19th subscription and onwards you are put on the waiting list for the Christmas dinner. We will let you know if a spot becomes available.    December is the most wonderful time of the year; with festivities, spending quality time with family and friends, and stuffing your belly with nice food. 2021’s December was a bit lacklustre due to covid. We demanded to see life’s manager, but they refused to cooperate. Therefore, we have decided to make our own December! With Sinterklaas and Christmas!   December will take place on Sunday, 20 March. From 13:45 you are welcome to join a Sinterklaas themed game. To participate in the Sinterklaas game we ask you to bring gift(s) worth ~5 euro total plus additionally something/some things from your home that would be nice as a gift, but you don't mind giving away (e.g. that book you already read, that present you did not really like, the wine you never drink, the 20th survivalrunshirt in your closet?...). From 18:00 we will host a delicious multi-course Christmas dinner. The costs for the dinner will be around €15. You can choose to subscribe for both or either of the two events (Sinterklaas game, Christmas dinner).   We expect you to put on a Christmas sweater. There are only a limited number spots available, so be quick to subscribe (otherwise you will be put on a reserve list).
2022-03-20 14:00
2022-03-20 23:00

Kayaking workshop #2

We all know how to climb over the Dommel (or swim in it), but how many of us know how to paddle it? In three workshops, the kayaking association Okawa will teach us how to kayak. Basic paddle strokes, how to handle currents, T-rescue, maybe even how to 'eskimo roll' if you are brave enough!   The second workshop will be at 1630-1800 on Tuesday 15th March, and we gather at the AT shed. The third workshop is on Saturday 26th, which you can sign up for here. You can join one, two, or all three workshops. Each workshop you join will cost approximately three euros. There is a maximum of twelve people per workshop, so if you don't want to miss out, sign up immediately.   Wear sports clothing and shoes that can get wet. If you get cold easily, a thermoshirt might be nice! Wetsuits and all other gear will be provided by Okawa.   There may be a possibility to join a kayaking trip on a river in Germany with Okawa at a later time. However, you must have joined at least one workshop so that you are familiar with the basics. So don't hesitate to sign up!  
2022-03-15 16:30
2022-03-15 18:00

Kayaking workshop #1

We all know how to climb over the Dommel (or swim in it), but how many of us know how to paddle it? In three workshops, the kayaking association Okawa will teach us how to kayak. Basic paddle strokes, how to handle currents, T-rescue, maybe even how to 'eskimo roll' if you are brave enough!   The first workshop will be at 1630-1800 on Thursday 10th March, and we gather at the AT shed. The following workshops are on Tuesday 15th and Saturday 26th, and you can sign up for them here and here. You can join one, two, or all three workshops. Each workshop you join will cost approximately three euros. There is a maximum of twelve people per workshop, so if you don't want to miss out, sign up immediately.   Wear sports clothing and shoes that can get wet. If you get cold easily, a thermoshirt might be nice! Wetsuits and all other gear will be provided by Okawa.   There may be a possibility to join a kayaking trip on a river in Germany with Okawa at a later time. However, you must have joined at least one workshop so that you are familiar with the basics. So don't hesitate to sign up!  
2022-03-10 16:30
2022-03-10 18:00

NSSW 2022

  1. subscription form

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Vrijdagavond (na het eten) 4 maart t/m zondagmiddag 6 maart is het leukste weekend van het jaar er weer, het Nationaal Studenten Survivalrun Weekend! Na een jaar te hebben moeten overslaan, zijn we weer terug!
De locatie dit jaar is nog geheim, maar wij kunnen jullie verzekeren dat het weer een centraal punt is.
Er zijn beperkte plekken, namelijk 92 bedden, wat dit jaar met 7(!) verenigingen gedeeld moet worden wat betekent dat iedere vereniging 13 leden kan meenemen. Voor de bedden geldt wie als eerst komt wie als eerst maalt, dus schrijf je snel in!
De prijs van het weekend is €59,-, dit is inclusief eten, slaapplek (binnen), activiteiten en veel gezelligheid :)
Tot 31-01-2022 geldt een limiet van 13 personen per vereniging, daarna mogen de overgebleven plekken bij een vereniging opgevuld worden door leden van andere verenigingen. Mocht je de 14e of latere aanmelder zijn van een vereniging, zullen we je laten weten dat je op een wachtlijst staat.
Inschrijven kan tot  en met 13 februari (hierna is het niet meer mogelijk om je in te schrijven, ook kan je na deze datum je geld niet meer terug krijgen als je je hebt aangemeld, aangezien wij ook met onze inkoop en kosten zitten)
Voor een indruk van voorgaande jaren, kan je deze aftermovie bekijken van de afgelopen jaren: (gemaakt door Maikel Rutten)


The 4th of March till the 6st of March will be the best weekend of the year, the NSSW (National Student Survival Weekend)! After a year without it, we're back!
The location of the weekend is still a secret, but it is somewhere in the middle of the Netherlands.
You'll have to sign up quickly to join because there will be a limited amount of places available, only 92 beds for 7 associations, which means 13 beds per association and who comes first is first served, so be quick !
The price of the weekend will be €59,-, which will include food, (indoor) sleeping places, activities and a lot of fun :)
Till 31-01-2022 will be a limit of 13 person per association and afterwards the remaining places can be filled up by members of other associations.  If you are the 14th or later subscriber of an association, we will let you know that you are on a waiting list. You can register until 13-02-2022 (after this it is no longer possible to register, also after that date you can't get your money back if you have registered, since we are also dealing with our purchasing and costs)
2022-03-04 18:00
2022-03-06 18:00

Apres ski carnaval drinks

It is finally time to catch up with some get-together-time!   For everyone that wants to chat, listen to bad music, drink some drinks and wants to have some fun, you are welcome to join us next Thursday from 19.30 onwards for our Aprés-ski borrel. This is not just for the people that went on the wonderful winter week, but anyone that likes winter vibes (or carnaval, or frankly just socializing..). So please dust off your ski-gear, cowboy-, red horse-, lederhosen- or otherway-apres-ski-related-outfit, put them on and join.   Costs for the drinks will be split, but the AC will definitely sponsor some ;-). To make the groceries easier we ask you to make an estimate on whether you will consume alcoholic beverages or not.   Hope to see you all!
2022-03-03 19:30
2022-03-03 23:00